Monday, March 7, 2011

March Madness 2011

Started new series yesterday..March Madness 2011. Its the time of year when college basketball fans get crazy over brackets, cinderella stories, alma maters, and their favorite team competing.

As we began the month with the topic "Keep your Head in the Game" - we looked at Jonah who was given direct instructions by God of where to go, who to talk to and what to say in the city of Ninevah. The story goes on to tell how Jonah lost focus of his assignment - got his Head out of the Game, and would up punching his own ticket to a place called Tarshish. Long story short, he went the WRONG way, got tossed over board -and wound up in the belly of a STINKY FISH.

How does this apply to us? Many of us do great when we are "in the game", when things are good, we are busy serving others, money is in the bank, jobs are secure - but the moment our "routine" or "comfort" level is put to the test - we "punch our own ticket" in our own directions, plans, and course. We lose focus that - the same GOD who loved us enough to send his Son to die for us, the same God who gave us all the great and good things we enjoy - IS OUR SOURCE and IS OUR FOCAL POINT.
Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

We have to stay focused! We have to stay IN THE GAME. Those who sit on the bench to long - begin to have wandering minds, side conversations, and forget that the focus is in front of them. I know at times it seems like the results are evident, the end is clear to see - and it may seem like nothing else good can happen...but with focus ....anything is possible! And of course with focus on who Christ is....ALL things are possible!

Genesis 18:14 - "Is anything too hard for God" I dont have time to get in this story -- but an old old - i mean old lady Sarah was told she was gonna have a baby. By the way she was 90! And this was long before little blue pills and all the "miracles" we seem to have now.

You see with focus and faith -- the unexpected -become expected! The impossible becomes impossible- and the never could have -- becomes the "look at me now"!

Whatever you do... STAY FIXED - STAY FAITHFUL - STAY FOCUSED and watch what GOD can and WILL do......................"Whatever it Takes"