The Danger of giving up too soon
Romans 8:28, 35-39
Anybody ever thought about quitting – come on =- quitting your Job – quitting you relationship. Quitting everything. We have all been there!
(ROMANS 8:28, 35-39)
You see when we get in a place of Luke warmness, a place of a dry season – that seems like a good opportunity to give in – take a rest – but, in your troubled times – you find out who you really are. In your mess – you see if you are as faithful as you talk about.
You are not alone – great men have felt like giving up – sometimes in my spiritual walk, I feel like David – ready to kill the giants in my life – then other days I feel like David when he hid in the cave from Saul.
You see you cannot measure your end result by your present situation!
Faith takes time to work!
**where you are and WHO you are totally different!* Now you may in a place that seems dark, lost, hopeless, but that’s not WHO you are! Now they may be about to take your home, your car, garnishing your wages! BUT THAT’S NOT WHO YOU ARE. Now you may be asleep spiritually – but that’s not who you are!! You can’t quit! You’re too close!!
You are just passing through the where of your life – to get to the WHO!
Joseph had to go to a few places before the Palace. He was in a pit, he was a slave – he was Potiphors assistant t – got lied on, cheated, beat down – messed up! –BUT HE NEVER FORGOT HIS DREAM! HE NEVER QUIT ON GOD – Then before you know it---He was running the joint!
Some of you are at a point of giving up, giving up on church – giving up on ministry, giving up on your service to God – don’t miss your palace – don’t miss your greatest gifting! YOU’RE TOO CLOSE!
Rise up! Wipe the dry out of your eyes! Get past what you look like, your reputation; GET WHAT GOD WANTS – WHATEVER IT TAKES!
Quitters walk away from something thinking it is worthless – not realizing it takes time for greatness!!! (Lazarus – dead – JESUS SAID WHOP SAID HE WAS)!! – Keep on going, keep driving, you may be almost out of gas – but as soon as you get out of your pity party out of your bitterness – RELEASE WILL COME!
Hebrews 12: 14-17
12:14 Follow peace with all [men], and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
12:15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble [you], and thereby many be defiled;
12:16 Lest there [be] any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
12:17 For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears
Lastly – the danger of giving up to soon – begins to ruin your testimony!
Sometimes we have to keep going – and it’s not just for our sake!
Others are watching – others are counting on us!
I thought a few weeks ago – about our buses, and our vans on Sunday mornings – I thought Lord sometimes it would be easier to not do this – not have the headaches of trying to get drivers, help, and people to commit!
You see a lot of people are anointed, but a lot of anointed people are not faithful!
You may preach, quote scripture better than me – but are you more faithful than me.
Then the Lord told me – people are counting on you! HOW CAN WE QUIT! When we quit – those that had faith in us – begin to think – it must not be worth it!
QUITTERS LEAVE A LEGACY OF FAILURE! What will your children, your family, others say about you! Quitters pass down their ability to run to the next generation!
Don't you dare give up on yourself!!!
Lets quit quitting................"WHATEVER IT TAKES"