Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Luke 14:23 (New Living Translation)

23 So his master said, ‘Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full.

It is important we realize that our job is to bring the CHURCH TO THE WORLD-----TOO MANY TIMES WE GET it twisted thinking that the "world" will just come to the church!

Jesus was all about going to where people were. Matter of fact - he was always going to the places and people no body else seemingly cared about or wanted to go. He spoke and forgave the Women at the Well, He spit on a mans eyes - that others wanted to just overlook, He was all about taking what HE had to the masses!

Understand---going to church is the easy part................BEING THE CHURCH - is the goal we should have. Alot of people "go" to church - and that is great and needed and essential to our relationship as a Christ -Follower...However, when we BECOME the church...than we are able to take what we have to the world!  The world is not looking necessarily for another "building" - but instead for a church that can be seen no just on Sundays----but Everyday!

Lets make it our goal to bring the church to the world---not sit idle and wait for the world to get to the church.............

"Whatever it Takes"