Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You have Purpose --- ON PURPOSE!

At times we have all ( even if we will not admit it ) wondered is it worth it? What am I here for? Does what I do, or what i try to do really matter or make a difference? What is my purpose? Who cares?

Been there done that , and as the corny and played out saying goes " Got the T-Shirt" ( man, i really hate that saying) But in reality, these are questions that have been asked from generation to generation, from centuty to century, and decade to decade. I mean even Jesus in the Garden before he was to be crucified said " if you can - take this cup from me". There is example after example in the BIBLE of those who wondered and questioned the purpose for their lives:

Abraham and SarahIn Genesis 17:17 and 18:12-14, when God told 99 year old Abraham that his 90 year old wife Sarah would bear a son, both of them laughed and doubted it could it happen because of their advanced age, even though God said to them ‘Is anything too hard for the Lord?’ Even people of great faith may have doubts.

IsraelitesWhenever they faced difficulties during their wanderings in the desert, they doubted God’s providence and grumbled, as in Exodus 16:1-3, but God provided manna for bread and quails for meat

GideonIn Judges 6: 14-23, God told Gideon that he would be a leader and judge, but Gideon doubted and put God to the test twice in 7:36-40

Everyone of us has a purpose, a definite reason for still being on this planet. If not - really what would be the use and why would Christ even keep us here. At times that purpose may get cloudy, lost in the shuffle, or even seemingly put on pause due to the circumstances of life! One thing we all will have in common is....LIFE HAPPENS.

This does not mean the purpose is gone - matter of fact I feel that even through the obstacles, the valleys, the storms, the times that just plain out suck in life - Purpose is only being enhanced and stretched to allow us to reach full capacity to fulfill it!

So instead of wondering what happened to our purpose when we go through stuff and getting down and out - we should try to realize that somewhere in all the crap and mess we have to go through, and while we are swimming in the mud - THERE HAS TO BE A PURPOSE-- ON PURPOSE.

Maybe it is in that times that we hate to go through -- that we find out what we should be doing. Maybe, just maybe the thing that we hate the most - may be the thing we were created to change...ON PURPOSE!

"Whatever it Takes"