Matthew 7:16
You can identify them by their fruit, that is, by the way they act. Can you pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?
Alot of times we base our decisions, actions, emotions, and plans on what those around us dictate. Now, dont get me wrong, I am all for advise, wisdom from those who have been through some stuff, and would rather learn from a mentor than from experience in most areas. However what happens when we base our lives on the expectations and desires of those around us at all times--eventually we will fail them.
The sad reality is that most "Professional Christians" would rather you live up to their standards than to see you rise above normalcy and become great. Why you may say? Simple - comfort keeps us from stepping out in faith - and usually (lets keep it real) those who want to seem bigger than others always discourage BIG FAITH moves.
So what do we do....simply JUST LIVE! Do what you do - live according to your relationship as a Christfollower, serve, grow, and when its necessary===========STEP UP OR STEP OUT IN FAITH
Listen to advice ( from those who you trust and who actually invest something), learn on a regular basis, but do not limit your life to the expectations and parameters of those around you! There is greatness inside all of us -- the problem is---we sometimes let others talk us out of it!
You cant do that, that costs too much, how can that happen in this town, that will no work, etc..
Psalms 37:23
The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.
In this journey called life....we will have to decide that if I have given my life and the direction of it to Christ....there is absolutely ----no way HE would lead me astray. And while this is easier said that done---we really have not exercised FAITH ---until we really take the brakes off!
Lets begin to love others, listen to others, have confidence in others....but more than ever its time that we begin to WALK IT out relationship with Christ........................
"Whatever it Takes"