Romans 8:28
And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
'Carpe diem' - SEIZE THE DAY!
Don't Miss a Moment of Momentum. Every day - there is a moment! Every day there is a new opportunity to leave the things that did not get accomplished the day before in the past - and start anew. We have to be aware and awake to this MOMENTS.
When God wants to bless us - he puts people in our lives for a moment! When the enemy wants to trip us up - he may put people in our lives for a moment! Knowing the Moment - and knowing where the MOMENTUM of that moment can lead is key to the success of our lives
Time is something we cannot get back - unless of course you hang out with Marty McFly and Doc Brown.....( for you youngsters- that means Back to the Future) That is why is it so key that we know when opportunities come - we need to step up - embrace them - respond to them - and trust with FAITH that Romans 8:28 really is more than words on a page!
On the other hand -- Seek direction , seek wisdom. The timing and moment of God is not a thing of well if it happens it happens - its just his will! AT TIMES you have to run after HIM to catch up! Of course it is his will to see you succeed, be blessed, reach people, raise your family right, have a good job! But it is NOT his will for you to spend all your time "waiting" on HIM - when the moment is there!
Take the momentum in your life - run after God with it - and watch what He will do! Listen, there are times we should WAIT and HE will RENEW our STRENGTH - i agree - but many times after we have the strength again and should go run the race --we are now STRONG but wont pick up and go! Why did he renew you strenght? TO GO GET YOUR MOMENT!
Whatever you do DON'T MISS THE MOMENT! The women who had an issue of blood --knew that that very moment was HER MOMENT - and nobody - no crowd - no people could stop her - and all she wanted to do was just touch his shirt! Imagine what would happen if we had the resolve to just get a touch of JESUS! The MOMENT she touched HIM - she was HEALED! It was her moment ! NOW IT IS YOURS!
GO GET IT.................."WHATEVER IT TAKES"
Friday, February 25, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
You have Purpose --- ON PURPOSE!
At times we have all ( even if we will not admit it ) wondered is it worth it? What am I here for? Does what I do, or what i try to do really matter or make a difference? What is my purpose? Who cares?
Been there done that , and as the corny and played out saying goes " Got the T-Shirt" ( man, i really hate that saying) But in reality, these are questions that have been asked from generation to generation, from centuty to century, and decade to decade. I mean even Jesus in the Garden before he was to be crucified said " if you can - take this cup from me". There is example after example in the BIBLE of those who wondered and questioned the purpose for their lives:
Abraham and SarahIn Genesis 17:17 and 18:12-14, when God told 99 year old Abraham that his 90 year old wife Sarah would bear a son, both of them laughed and doubted it could it happen because of their advanced age, even though God said to them ‘Is anything too hard for the Lord?’ Even people of great faith may have doubts.
IsraelitesWhenever they faced difficulties during their wanderings in the desert, they doubted God’s providence and grumbled, as in Exodus 16:1-3, but God provided manna for bread and quails for meat
GideonIn Judges 6: 14-23, God told Gideon that he would be a leader and judge, but Gideon doubted and put God to the test twice in 7:36-40
Everyone of us has a purpose, a definite reason for still being on this planet. If not - really what would be the use and why would Christ even keep us here. At times that purpose may get cloudy, lost in the shuffle, or even seemingly put on pause due to the circumstances of life! One thing we all will have in common is....LIFE HAPPENS.
This does not mean the purpose is gone - matter of fact I feel that even through the obstacles, the valleys, the storms, the times that just plain out suck in life - Purpose is only being enhanced and stretched to allow us to reach full capacity to fulfill it!
So instead of wondering what happened to our purpose when we go through stuff and getting down and out - we should try to realize that somewhere in all the crap and mess we have to go through, and while we are swimming in the mud - THERE HAS TO BE A PURPOSE-- ON PURPOSE.
Maybe it is in that times that we hate to go through -- that we find out what we should be doing. Maybe, just maybe the thing that we hate the most - may be the thing we were created to change...ON PURPOSE!
"Whatever it Takes"
Been there done that , and as the corny and played out saying goes " Got the T-Shirt" ( man, i really hate that saying) But in reality, these are questions that have been asked from generation to generation, from centuty to century, and decade to decade. I mean even Jesus in the Garden before he was to be crucified said " if you can - take this cup from me". There is example after example in the BIBLE of those who wondered and questioned the purpose for their lives:
Abraham and SarahIn Genesis 17:17 and 18:12-14, when God told 99 year old Abraham that his 90 year old wife Sarah would bear a son, both of them laughed and doubted it could it happen because of their advanced age, even though God said to them ‘Is anything too hard for the Lord?’ Even people of great faith may have doubts.
IsraelitesWhenever they faced difficulties during their wanderings in the desert, they doubted God’s providence and grumbled, as in Exodus 16:1-3, but God provided manna for bread and quails for meat
GideonIn Judges 6: 14-23, God told Gideon that he would be a leader and judge, but Gideon doubted and put God to the test twice in 7:36-40
Everyone of us has a purpose, a definite reason for still being on this planet. If not - really what would be the use and why would Christ even keep us here. At times that purpose may get cloudy, lost in the shuffle, or even seemingly put on pause due to the circumstances of life! One thing we all will have in common is....LIFE HAPPENS.
This does not mean the purpose is gone - matter of fact I feel that even through the obstacles, the valleys, the storms, the times that just plain out suck in life - Purpose is only being enhanced and stretched to allow us to reach full capacity to fulfill it!
So instead of wondering what happened to our purpose when we go through stuff and getting down and out - we should try to realize that somewhere in all the crap and mess we have to go through, and while we are swimming in the mud - THERE HAS TO BE A PURPOSE-- ON PURPOSE.
Maybe it is in that times that we hate to go through -- that we find out what we should be doing. Maybe, just maybe the thing that we hate the most - may be the thing we were created to change...ON PURPOSE!
"Whatever it Takes"
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Dead Weight
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
There comes a time that as Christ Followers we will have to realize that some of the things that "weigh" us down are self inflicted. Don't get me wrong we all are flesh and have issues, sin nature, and all that other "church lingo" stuff, but alot of times we hold on to "things" or "people" like a child with a blanket. It seems to bring some form of security for us. Even at times when we know we shouldnt dwell on it, hang on to eat, or allow it to control us - it has became a part of our life, our nature, and begins to control how we act, talk, live, and function.
When we are surrounded by the right people - (people of faith), we can begin the process of laying down or aside some things that literally have been weighing us down. This process for some can be "cold turkey", but for others it is a process of time, where little by little we begin to lay down some things, leave them there, never to return to pick them back up. Realize that when you begin to live a life for Christ, while he has changed our hearts - our minds still need alot of work......we have years possibly of thought patterns, lifestyles, languages, activities, etc that have become part of the "weight" we carry.....
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Listen, regardless of how long, which way we choose to get rid of some weight --- we have to begin to lay it aside - not only so we can experience more of the freedom of Christ, but so the time we spend clinging on to the "dead" weight in our lives - can be exchanged in reaching others with the love and compassion of Jesus.
You, I, all of us have some weight to lose, probably both physically and in our walk with Christ. Today lets make it a point to realize the stuff that has been dragging us down - and causing us to walk - not run in our pursuit of the things of God.
There is too much in you - to be burdened down with the things of the past, things that we have no CONTROL over - SHOULD NOT CONTROL US.
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.
There comes a time that as Christ Followers we will have to realize that some of the things that "weigh" us down are self inflicted. Don't get me wrong we all are flesh and have issues, sin nature, and all that other "church lingo" stuff, but alot of times we hold on to "things" or "people" like a child with a blanket. It seems to bring some form of security for us. Even at times when we know we shouldnt dwell on it, hang on to eat, or allow it to control us - it has became a part of our life, our nature, and begins to control how we act, talk, live, and function.
When we are surrounded by the right people - (people of faith), we can begin the process of laying down or aside some things that literally have been weighing us down. This process for some can be "cold turkey", but for others it is a process of time, where little by little we begin to lay down some things, leave them there, never to return to pick them back up. Realize that when you begin to live a life for Christ, while he has changed our hearts - our minds still need alot of work......we have years possibly of thought patterns, lifestyles, languages, activities, etc that have become part of the "weight" we carry.....
Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.
Listen, regardless of how long, which way we choose to get rid of some weight --- we have to begin to lay it aside - not only so we can experience more of the freedom of Christ, but so the time we spend clinging on to the "dead" weight in our lives - can be exchanged in reaching others with the love and compassion of Jesus.
You, I, all of us have some weight to lose, probably both physically and in our walk with Christ. Today lets make it a point to realize the stuff that has been dragging us down - and causing us to walk - not run in our pursuit of the things of God.
There is too much in you - to be burdened down with the things of the past, things that we have no CONTROL over - SHOULD NOT CONTROL US.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Show me the Love!
This month at HMOC is SHOW ME THE LOVE MONTH. We have reached out to our community in different ways every week. The first week our womens ministry along with our PowerHouse Kidz programvisited local nursing homes with small care packages, smiles, and love to many senior citizens.Last week, our Fusion Youth distributed 100 bags of groceries to random people in random neighborhoods. Seeing that many young people take thier saturday to offer help to others, was amazing!
This week our Man 2 Man Men's Ministry will be going to homes and repairing plumbing, minor electrical, painting, and other issues that folks cannot fix or afford to fix themselves. The last week we will be providing, diapers, baby wipes, and other essentials for teen mothers or expectant teen mothers.
Some say - why do boast or share this - shouldnt this be done in secret - NO! When we as Christ Followers serve - reach - and SHOW LOVE to others - it is a testimony - an example of what knowing Christ is all about....GOD IS LOVE. So when we ask HIm to change our lives -- we too are becoming like him - that is the definition of CHRISTIAN---CHRISTLIKE. So as we strive to become more like who he is....we not only need to talk about the things of God - but DO the things of God.
Why did Jesus feed the 5,000, was it just because the people were hungry - no way, he was able to encourage and enlarge the faith of thousands by showing the GREAT possibilities of what can happen with FAITH AND LOVE. He must have wanted everyone to know, to see it, and to experience it, or he wouldnt have had it recorded in the greatest, most read book ever....THE BIBLE.
1 John 3:18 (New Living Translation)
18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.
I want to thank the great folks of HMOC for the demonstration of love they show not only during SHOW ME THE LOVE month -- but every month! They are a great group of people who have seen the change that a relationship with Christ can bring - and now are being the change to hundreds of others!
1 John 4:8 (New Living Translation)
This week our Man 2 Man Men's Ministry will be going to homes and repairing plumbing, minor electrical, painting, and other issues that folks cannot fix or afford to fix themselves. The last week we will be providing, diapers, baby wipes, and other essentials for teen mothers or expectant teen mothers.
Some say - why do boast or share this - shouldnt this be done in secret - NO! When we as Christ Followers serve - reach - and SHOW LOVE to others - it is a testimony - an example of what knowing Christ is all about....GOD IS LOVE. So when we ask HIm to change our lives -- we too are becoming like him - that is the definition of CHRISTIAN---CHRISTLIKE. So as we strive to become more like who he is....we not only need to talk about the things of God - but DO the things of God.
Why did Jesus feed the 5,000, was it just because the people were hungry - no way, he was able to encourage and enlarge the faith of thousands by showing the GREAT possibilities of what can happen with FAITH AND LOVE. He must have wanted everyone to know, to see it, and to experience it, or he wouldnt have had it recorded in the greatest, most read book ever....THE BIBLE.
1 John 3:18 (New Living Translation)
18 Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our actions.
I want to thank the great folks of HMOC for the demonstration of love they show not only during SHOW ME THE LOVE month -- but every month! They are a great group of people who have seen the change that a relationship with Christ can bring - and now are being the change to hundreds of others!
1 John 4:8 (New Living Translation)
8 But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
As Christfollowers, we can do many things, reach many people, give out more popsicles than the next church, have fancier pews, and a bigger steeple, but if we dont give LOVE - we are missing it!
Corinthians 13:2-6 (New Living Translation)
Today - let us all show love - somehow, someway, and in doing so, we will not only begin to let others realize the change that Christ can bring - but in actually we are showing them CHRIST. GOD IS LOVE!
Reach somebody......"WHATEVER IT TAKES"
As Christfollowers, we can do many things, reach many people, give out more popsicles than the next church, have fancier pews, and a bigger steeple, but if we dont give LOVE - we are missing it!
Corinthians 13:2-6 (New Living Translation)
2 If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. 3 If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;[a] but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing.
Today - let us all show love - somehow, someway, and in doing so, we will not only begin to let others realize the change that Christ can bring - but in actually we are showing them CHRIST. GOD IS LOVE!
Reach somebody......"WHATEVER IT TAKES"
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
As 2011 is well underway and things are starting to take shape for the year, I spent this morning once again rehashing, rethnking, and remembering the past 8 months of my life, my ministry, and myself. While I am thankful for everything that God has and is doing in my life, the later part of 2010 was a year to forget to say the least.
It was a year of allegations, accusations, seperations, almost resignations, and one of many questions to God. Many times through the valley experiences and down times in our relationship with Christ, we forget to remember that we are to GO THROUGH - not STAY THERE.
I am thankful for the people that pushed me through and encouraged me to keep moving. As 2011 began to rise on the horizon, I felt a new desire and passion to serve and reach others. I am reminded how Joseph who was sold by his own family into slavery, but later on when he had a chance to "punish" them or get even - he simply extended the grace and resources that he now was responsible for.
Today - keep moving - there is someone, somebody, some group, some person, waiting on you - yes you the person who felt like giving up - felt like the storm would never pass, felt like this is just too much. Everything you have been through, every struggle, every time you wanted to throw in the towel - it was just preparation for the people in your life who need you! KEEP MOVING
It was a year of allegations, accusations, seperations, almost resignations, and one of many questions to God. Many times through the valley experiences and down times in our relationship with Christ, we forget to remember that we are to GO THROUGH - not STAY THERE.
I am thankful for the people that pushed me through and encouraged me to keep moving. As 2011 began to rise on the horizon, I felt a new desire and passion to serve and reach others. I am reminded how Joseph who was sold by his own family into slavery, but later on when he had a chance to "punish" them or get even - he simply extended the grace and resources that he now was responsible for.
Today - keep moving - there is someone, somebody, some group, some person, waiting on you - yes you the person who felt like giving up - felt like the storm would never pass, felt like this is just too much. Everything you have been through, every struggle, every time you wanted to throw in the towel - it was just preparation for the people in your life who need you! KEEP MOVING
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